Are Autolite Spark Plugs Good?

Autolite spark plugs are known for their reliable and durable performance. Year after year, people have trust in this brand.

The quality of spark plugs depends on the firing capability of the product. Besides, you should check the durability also.

And for this reason, Autolite spark plugs are so popular. Because the products from this brand ensure both of these mentioned features in most of their products.

So, is Autolite spark plugs the best quality or are there any better alternatives as well? Well, don’t worry because here in this article, we’ll also mention some other products that can be used as an alternative to Autolite. So, let’s explore all the aspects of this spark plug.

Who makes Autolite spark plugs?

Autolite spark plugs have a long history with different manufacturers. Though right now this is mainly an American brand, previously it wasn’t.

In the beginning, in 1936, the very first Autolite spark plug was manufactured in Fostoria, Ohio. But along with the passing of time, different manufacturers have made these spark plugs. Before 2011, Honeywell was making these products. Then the company named FRAM took the deal. Since then, Autolite spark plugs are manufactured by this company.

But these spark plugs are widely popular in the USA, Canada, Australia, etc.

Where are Autolite spark plugs made?

One of the top questions about Autolite spark plugs is where these products are made. Well, the manufacturing place has changed with time.

Currently, FRAM and Honeywell consumer product group combinedly manufacture these spark plugs in Auckland, New Zealand. But the products are sold in several countries. Even the National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing, generally known as NASCAR, has also used these spark plugs since 2020.

How does Autolite spark plugs warranty work?

Well, the warranty varies for different products from this brand. For some products, the brand even offers a lifetime warranty on material defect, workmanship, or electrode failure.

You will be provided with a replacement or refund of some products in case of faulty spark plugs. So, as you can see, this may be the best possible deal which can be offered. But before buying, of course, discuss with the seller about the services they will provide.

How long does an Autolite spark plug last?

No matter which products you are buying among different Autolite spark plugs, you can rest assured about their durability.

Some of the spark plugs come with platinum protection which increases the lifespan of the products. Not only that, but it also improves the ignition quality. So, better durability with better performance.

How good are Autolite spark plugs? – 5 reasons to buy

You already know the different fantastic aspects of these spark plugs. Here I’m mentioning some of the top reasons why you should choose these spark plugs.


Among the reasonable spark plugs that are available in the market, Autolite is the best. Besides, you will enjoy a lifetime replacement warranty for some products on condition. So, if budget is your concern, then you can go for this product.


Many of the Autolite spark plugs come with platinum-protected electrode cores. So, the design is more reliable for long periods of use. It won’t wear fast like other cheap products available in the market.


Since the company provides a long warranty, you can assume its performance already. Some users claim that these spark plugs have lasted for more than five to six years without any major issues.


I’ve already mentioned the durable performance of Autolite spark plugs. Depending on different conditions, the lifespan can be a bit different. But if nothing unexpected happens, these spark plugs will serve for about 1,00,000 miles of driving.


One of the prime concerns for spark plugs is the consistency of their ignition capability. In this case, Autolite spark plugs are one of the best. Some users say that the spark plugs are capable of producing continuous sparks without any mistakes for even six to seven months.

Top available spark plugs from Autolite

Though most of the spark plugs from this brand perform really well, here I’m mentioning the top best products from Autolite.

Autolite Iridium XP5363:

This is a great product from this brand. It is known for its durable and fuel-efficient performance. Besides, you will be able to change it if there is any issue regarding material or workmanship.

Autolite Iridium XP3923:

This spark plug can perform for about 1,00,000 miles. It is highly fuel efficient and capable of serving for a long time. All of these spark plugs come with platinum-protected ground wire. So, as I’ve said before, the performance of the ignition will be the best.

Are there any good alternatives?

Well, if you are not looking for Autolite, but rather looking for another option, here are some products that you can look at:

NGK spark plugs:

NGK is one of the most popular competitors of Autolite spark plugs. This brand also comes with fuel-efficient performance and can serve for quite a long time. The brand has a long reputation of about 80 years for consistently producing excellent spark plugs. All of these products are super responsive and durable.

Savior spark plugs;

This is another brand you can look at if you are looking for reasonable spark plugs. But there are some issues with misfires with these spark plugs. Yet, the look and performance are quite satisfying compared to the price of the product.

Final Verdict

Autolite spark plugs should be a good choice for those who are looking for affordable but reliable products. Moreover, the durable performance makes the brand stand out in the market.

Besides, for authentic customers, the company provides a lifetime warranty for different products. Not only that, these products are widely used for different racing cars. But you can also use it in different passenger vehicles too.

Though various issues can occur depending on the driving or engine condition, that is not much severe. But if you are not convinced yet, you can always look for the alternatives that I’ve mentioned here.

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