When to Use High Mileage Oil? Is It Safe To Use?

Just like us, our cars also get older day by day. Most of their parts tend to end up with wearing and tearing issues after a certain period, even after taking better care of them. Especially if your vehicle is of high mileage, chances are you’ll need to use extra oil to keep things steady and active. 

Now you may ask – when to use high mileage oil? There might be so many factors to consider before using it. And we’ll let you know why you should use it, how often to use it, and, more importantly, when you should use high mileage oil. 

Here is the Short Answer on When Should You Use High Mileage Oil:

High mileage oil is formulated to benefit the vehicles with 75,000 miles or 120000 Kilometers or more on the highway. On the flip side, if you’re using your vehicle in a city, then it might be much lower.

If you’re experiencing problems with your vehicle, like you have to refuel more often than usual, or you notice more strain than usual. Then you should start using the high mileage oil; keep in mind!

Why Should I Use High Mileage Oil?

Do you know the average age of cars on the road? It’s almost 12 years! When a car gets a bit of age, it usually shows by a couple of things. Maybe you have to fill up your car’s tank more often than expected. Or you may notice increasing oil strain in the driveway. 

None of these? Then you may hear that the engine sounds louder than usual. The High mileage oil can help you to sort out the issue. Around the world, millions of drivers are using high mileage oil to keep their cars longer than the average

Benefits an engine can get from high mileage oil

Generally, a group of people approach high mileage oil when their cars reach 75,000 miles. Consequently, they start to use it instead of regular motor oil to extend the life of the vehicles’ engines. 

On the contrary, another group chooses it for older engines. When they notice that the vehicle’s engine is loosening, they usually turn into high mileage oil. 

Most importantly, the detergent in the oil helps remove the sludge from the engine quickly. And the additives reduce the glue materials from the engine. 

High mileage vehicles intend to face various issues. And it is natural to be worried about these issues. In this situation, high mileage oil can be the best solution to prevent the numerous problems of a high mileage car. 

However, vehicles engines are indeed complicated nowadays. Hence, you must be careful while choosing oil.

Working process  

The high mileage oil contains seal conditioners. And these conditioners freshen up and stretch the seals of the engine. Consequently, the oil doesn’t seem to drip from the engine. 

Most importantly, this type of oil help to restore the parts of the worn engine. Its powerful functionalities prevent issues that can be occurred with your engine further. 

Additionally, natural grimes can take place on the parts of your engine. And the detergents contained in the oil will clean the grime perfectly. 

Do I actually need it? 

The most crucial question is, do you truly need this oil for your car? It is difficult to answer this query in one sentence. So, let’s describe some ordinary circumstances when you need to use it. 

  • Engine loosening is a common issue for older cars. If you notice that your car engine is loosening, you must change the regular oil. At the same time, you have to fill high mileage oil in the fuel tank. 
  • Sometimes, you may notice that your engine sounds loud. And it seems abnormal to you. If that is the case, you should change the regular oil and use high mileage oil in this situation. 
  • On the other hand, you must frequently check the lower engine parts to identify any wacky issues. If you find oil streaks on the engine, you must replace the oil. 
  • Another common phenomenon is that you may need to park your car for a long time. In this case, regular oil can be harmful to your vehicle. So, you should use high mileage oil before parking your car for the long run.

Should I Use High Mileage Oil in a New Vehicle?

Nowadays, many people will suggest you use such oil on your new vehicle, even some experts also! You may think this is because of their business, but it is not just simple!

On the other side, thousands of people will not recommend you use such type of engine oil on a new vehicle. When you purchase a car, you should adhere to the user manual. The Manufacturer knows the vehicle the most, so obey their recommendation to maintain the vehicle.

Typically in the user manual, they mention using engine oil. So, you just have to follow it. But what if you use high mileage oil on your new car? Don’t worry; it will not create a problem. But according to the majority, it will just not be worth the cost.

Can this oil damage a low mileage engine? 

This oil never damages a low mileage engine. Hence, you should not be worried about this matter. 

At the same time, you can use this oil as a preventive measure for your low mileage engine. And a fuel-efficient engine can also endure this oil. 

However, awareness is the first consideration. So, before filling oil, be aware of your engine. 

How Frequent Should I Change the Oil?

Here are some tips on when or how often you should change the engine oil:

  • If you feel your vehicle needed to be refueled more than usual.
  • You can perform a compression test on the engine; if you find you’re losing pressure, then you must change the oil. And in this case, you should decrease the interval of changing oil.
  • Use a quality filter. If you are not using it, then you should change the oil more frequently than the regular changing period.

How High Mileage Oil Works?

High mileage oil basically includes seal enhancers as well as additives, minimizing both external and internal leakage of the engine. It’s also can be possible that after changing the oil once or more, the leaking may stop right away. This type of oil has the maximum ability to decrease the rate of burning oil and oil spots in your driveway in older engines. 

So, you may ask, “How does it work? This type of oil is typically manufactured with seal conditioners and additives, causing insignia to swell, gaskets, and o-rings. Aged valve-guide insignia in engines may have downsized seepage from time to time. As a result, oil consumption gets lower. Even many oils come with detergents, and the manufacturer of the oil claims that they have the ability to eliminate sludge from the engine.

Most high mileage oil manufacturers claim that their oil gets formulation to benefit cars or vehicles with seventy-five thousand miles or 120000 Kilometers or more. If you’re experiencing some problems with your vehicle, like you have to refuel more often than usual, more strain in the driveway, or stuff like that, then you should switch to the high mileage oil.

On the other hand, if you are experiencing a loss of power, strange noises, engine overheating issues, blow by, etc. Then you must have a mechanical problem, and you should go to nowhere but a mechanical store right away. Because there is nothing with engine oil to do.

Differences between regular and high mileage oil

There are many distinct differences between high mileage and regular motor oil. Though both are used for vehicles, they contain specific characteristics that make them differ from each other. 

High mileage motor oil is specially used for older vehicles, while regular motor oil works well for new and old cars. Significantly, if you use regular oil for your older car, it may impact the engine’s performance. 

In addition, it contains some unique ingredients such as detergents, antioxidants, additives, etc. And these ingredients are helpful for the aged engine. On the other hand, regular oil contains general oil materials compatible with any vehicle. 

However, the high mileage and the regular oil both are standard, but the first one is well known for its unique features. 

People also ask

Can high mileage oil damage my engine? 

This oil will not damage your vehicles’ engine. By contrast, it may help extend the life of a dying engine. 

What are the top benefits of high mileage oil?

Among many crucial benefits, preventing various engine issues, extending the engine life, and minimizing extra sound are common. 

Is high mileage oil worth it? 

This oil is undoubtedly worth it. The demand for the oil is increased because it is considered the only band-aid against leaks. 

Is it better than synthetic oil?

If your car demand high-level performance, fully synthetic oil will be the best choice. But for an older vehicle, you should choose high mileage oil undoubtedly. 

How often should I change the oil?

Experts recommend changing the oil after your car reaches 5,000 miles. Some also suggest changing the oil after driving for six months.

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Final Thoughts!

We expect that you have no more confusion about when to use high mileage oil and the relative stuff about engine oil. Here, we tried our level best to mention the benefits of high mileage engine oil, why you should use it, and how it works with details.

Furthermore, we discussed when you should not focus on engine oil and the vehicle’s mechanical issues. So everything seems crystal clear now!


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