4 Common Problems With Subaru Boxer Engine

Throughout the history of the automobile, hundreds of engine configurations have come and gone. But only a few have captured the imagination of car enthusiasts, like the Subaru Boxer. This legendary engine has found its way under the hood of many Subarus throughout the years and is one of the …

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Does Changing Spark Plugs Improve Gas Mileage?

Fuel cost is one of the major expenses for anyone who owns a vehicle. As a result, people are always looking for ways to improve their fuel efficiency. Some people believe that changing the spark plugs positively impacts their fuel mileage. But, is this really true? Today, we’ll be taking …

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Cummins Engine Shuts Down While Driving (7 Problems)

Cummins engines are some of the most capable and powerful diesel power plants on the planet. But, every Goliath comes across problems once in a while. Has your Cummins engine been shutting down while driving recently and leaving you frustrated? Then, you have come to the correct place. In this …

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Is a Smaller Spark Plug Gap Better?

Have you ever wondered whether a smaller spark plug gap could improve your car’s performance? Auto enthusiasts continue to debate the distance between a spark plug’s center and ground electrodes and how it affects fuel efficiency and combustion power. Let us delve into the topic and put an end to …

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